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The Real Sinner's Prayer > Day 4

Scripture Reading: “…according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies…” (Psalm 51:1) 


Not only is David’s plea for mercy predicated upon God’s lovingkindness, but also on the multitude of God’s tender mercies. God’s compassion, like His love, is incomprehensible. It is also inexhaustible. According to Psalm 100:5, God’s “mercy is everlasting.” 


The well of God’s mercy is bottomless. It is never depleted no matter how many times it is dipped into. No matter what dastardly deed we have perpetrated, God’s mercy is deep enough to provide us with a pardon. 


In the New Testament, the Apostle John assures us that if “we [will] confess our sins,” God will be “faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). The only sin God will not forgive is the one we will not confess. All other sins are forgivable, thanks to the multitude of God’s inexhaustible and everlasting tender mercies. 


“If we refuse mercy here, we shall have justice in eternity.” (Jeremy Taylor)

Don Walton