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To come to the place where hope is most prized is to learn the great lesson of life. It is hope of eternal life alone that makes it possible for us to properly live our present lives. Yet, it is only a calmed soul, calmed by a sure hope in the Lord, that will possess the confidence to overlook material things in the here and now for the “substance of things hoped for” in the hereafter, the unseen “evidence” of which is only visible to the eyes of faith (Hebrews 11:1).

  1. It is hope in the Lord that enables the calmed soul to be strong and courageous (Psalm 31:24).
  2. It is hope in the Lord that delivers the calmed soul from being discouraged and disquieted (Psalm 42:5).
  3. It is hope in the Lord that enables the calmed soul to rejoice all the time, regardless of its circumstances (Psalm 146:5; Philippians 4:4).
  4. It is hope in the Lord that makes a calmed soul a blessed rather than bothered soul (Jeremiah 17:7).
  5. It is hope in the Lord that fills the calmed soul with joy and peace (Romans 15:13). 
  6. It is hope in the Lord that the calmed soul can carry with it from time into all eternity, since hope is one of the three abiding (eternal) things (1 Corinthians 13:13). 

To overstate the importance of hope is an impossibility. Without hope life is meaningless. Life provides us with but two options. We can either believe in a hopeless end or in an endless hope. We have no other choice. Which will you choose?


The calmed soul believes in an endless hope, not a hopeless end.

Don Walton