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Baptist prayer meetings have been called "organ recitals," because we pray for this person's lungs, another's kidneys, someone's pancreas——you get the idea! We spend more time praying for sick saints than we do for lost souls. Perhaps, the most pointed way to say it is how someone once said it to me, "We spend more time praying sick saints out of heaven than we do lost souls out of hell." It's not that we shouldn't pray for the healing of our sick brothers and sisters in Christ; it's just that we shouldn't do it to the exclusion of praying for the salvation of lost souls.

Years ago, I asked my wife how she prayed for the lost. She answered, "I ask God to save them." "There must be more to it," I insisted. She replied, "It works for me." I assume that every sincere Christian prays for the salvation of lost souls. Like my wife, most may feel that their present prayers for lost souls are sufficient. Far be it from me to suggest otherwise.
Unlike my wife, and perhaps most other Christians, I've often felt that my prayers for lost souls fall short. I must admit that the feeling of falling short is frequently felt by me whenever I fall upon my knees. Due to my suspicion of inadequacy and inefficiency in my prayers for lost souls, I once conducted a rather intense study of the Scriptures in regards to how to pray for the salvation of others. This study resulted in a book, Praying in the Harvest: How to Pray for the Lost.
The book points you to the multifaceted miracle of salvation. By doing so, it will hopefully drive you to your knees. First, in adoration of Christ, who snatched you as a brand from the fire with His loving and gracious nail-scarred hand. Second, in intercession for the lost, whose dire and desperate plight is plainly presented on the book's pages. 
Before the book was published, a friend, after reading a draft of the manuscript, suggested a change in title. He felt that a new title was warranted because the book dealt with far more than just the titled subject. Although I readily admit that the book is a serious study of our salvation in Christ, it retains its original title, thanks to the fact that my original intent is still intact. 
My aim in writing this book was to aid people in their prayers for the lost. What better way to do so than by spreading out before you all of the scriptural particulars involved in the salvation of a soul. By zeroing in on the particulars we cannot help but make our prayers for lost souls more effectual.
Below you will find 30 days of devotions on prayer for the lost. These devotions are taken from my book Praying in the Harvest: How to Pray for the Lost

  Day 1

Praying in the Spirit

  Day 2

Praying Through

  Day 3

World Responsibility Syndrome

  Day 4

Birthed with a Burden

  Day 5

Partnering With God

  Day 6

The Importance of Importunity in Prayer

  Day 7

Pleading the Blood

  Day 8

Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So

  Day 9

The Lord of the Harvest

  Day 10

The Prayer of Dispatch

  Day 11

Praying for Those in Authority

  Day 12

God's Secret Service

  Day 13

It Takes a Miracle

  Day 14

The Rich Young Ruler

  Day 15

The Gift of Faith

  Day 16

Today is the Day of Salvation

  Day 17

The Unpardonable Sin

  Day 18

The Granting of Repentance

  Day 19

True & False Repentance

  Day 20

The Counselor

  Day 21

The Hound of Heaven

  Day 22

Let There be Light

  Day 23

True Confessions

  Day 24

Lifting Up Jesus

  Day 25

Praying for Prodigals

  Day 26

Binding the Strong Man

  Day 27


  Day 28

Covenant Prayer

  Day 29

Prayer List for the Lost

  Day 30

The Conflict


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