August 6, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

Contrary to pipe dreaming Democratic socialist utopians who believe their ruining of America will lead our world to a global group hug upon a paradisal planet, and contrary to starry-eyed Republican MAGA voters who believe that Donald Trump can make our God-forsaken country great again, I am firmly convinced, by both the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Spirit, that America is the Biblically predicted "Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth" (Revelations 17:5). We are guilty of the greatest spiritual harlotry in the history of the world, by going from being the world's greatest Christian nation, exporting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth, to becoming an antichrist nation that now exports its abominations to the ends of the earth, such as flying Gay Pride flags at our US embassies around the world.


Whether it's by globalist utopians or their defeat and utter demise by dictatorial means, which are the only means by which they may now be thwarted, our nation is doomed to ruin. Indeed, its destruction commenced on 9/11, when, as the Bible predicts, the whole world witnessed the smoke of its destruction in an hour's time (Revelation 18:1-24). Think about it, 9/11 was the beginning of the end of America, because it marked the first time in American history that the American people voluntarily surrendered a personal and constitutionally guaranteed liberty, our right to privacy, to our government, for its promise of security. Ever since, our government has been usurping our constitutional rights and freedoms under the guise of protecting us from one existential threat after another, such as climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the America we once knew and loved is no more. It went up in smoke on 9/11!


Soon, from the ruins of America, the Biblically predicted beastly world power of the end times will emerge. According to Scripture, it will spearhead our fallen world’s final all-out war on God’s people, both His chosen people—Israel and the Jews—and His elect people—the church and Christians. This upcoming and historically unprecedented persecution of God’s people will, according to the Bible, not only cost the lives of two-thirds of all Jewish people, but will also result in a spirit of antichrist possessed end-time world’s rejoicing over its seeming defeat and destruction of Christ’s church. However, the church, the bride of Christ, will actually be purified and prepared for her Bridegroom’s return by the fiery trials of end-time tribulation and the surviving Jewish remnant will actually turn to Christ at His return and subsequently enter into His millennial kingdom as His faithful subjects.


In the light of end-time Bible prophecy, it is easy to see why our present-day world is not only becoming more and more possessed with the spirit of antichrist, but also more and more antisemitic. Yet, despite the pieces of the Bible’s prophetic puzzle falling into place right before our very eyes, the contemporary church in American today is more caught up in its political activism than in its preaching of the Gospel to a lost and dying world that is quickly running out of time. Truly, it's high time for us to get our heads out of the sand and to lift them up instead, because our “redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:28)!