January 29, 2025 @ 9:00 AM
America's once imagined invulnerability was once and for all shattered on 9/11/01, when 19 young Muslims, wielding nothing but boxcutters, brought our cocky country to its knees. We learned on that day, or at least we should have, how easily the hand of Divine Providence can pull the rug out from under us, with nothing more than a handful of our enemies.
Our stock market, like our national security, has also proven itself to be incredibly vulnerable. The least little manipulation of its feeble fickleness can send it into a tailspin, resulting in the financial collapse of corporations, institutions, and individuals. Remember, for example, the so-called Flash Crash of 2010, when a computer glitch triggered a trillion dollar...
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January 25, 2025 @ 7:00 AM
The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution was passed to abolish slavery. The 14th Amendment, which was passed on the heels of the 13th Amendment, was passed to guarantee citizenship and "equal protection under [our] laws" to the children of all freed slaves born in America. Since its passage in 1866 and ratification in 1868, the 14th Amendment has also been understood to grant citizenship to all children born in this country to legal immigrants. However, beginning around 1987, with the Vietnamese boat people, illegal immigrants started gaming the 14th Amendment with what came to be known as "anchor babies." These newborns, born to illegal immigrants in our country, were claimed by their undocumented alien ...
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January 17, 2025 @ 7:30 AM
It was upon his return from a 1938 meeting with Adolf Hitler in Munich that British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain naively declared to the world, "Peace in our time." Little did this naive ninny know that right on the heels of his declaration would follow the devastation of World War II. Since time immemorial our fallen world has been waving olive branches at evil, only to watch as evil carves those olive branches into sharp stakes to drive through the hearts of its voluminous victims. It was Albert Einstein who defined insanity as doing the same thing you've always done, but expecting a different result. Well, insanely, Israel, under public pressure, as well as coercion from us, is once again doing the same thing, but ...
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January 11, 2025 @ 8:30 AM
For most of our history America understood the necessity of laws regulating immigration. The number of immigrants annually coming to our shores or crossing our borders had to be limited and controlled, lest our nation jeopardize its economy and compromise its security. Furthermore, to safeguard our country’s culture, which was deemed without apology to be superior to all others, Congress passed the "National Origins Act" of 1925. This legislation mandated that immigrant groups be allowed into the country according to the percentage of the general U.S. population they represented. In other words, if Norwegians only made up 1% of the U.S. population, then the percentage of annual immigrants made up by Norwegians could never ...
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January 3, 2025 @ 8:00 AM
Two words—repentance and unrepentance—the latter is our problem and the former our solution. In Luke 24:45-48, Jesus commissioned His disciples, and in doing so commissioned His church, to preach repentance to all nations. The message has never changed. The message of the Old Testament prophets was repentance. The message of John the Baptist was repentance (Matthew 3:1-2). The message of Jesus was repentance (Matthew 4:17). The message of the apostles was repentance (Acts 2:38). And the message Christ has commissioned His church to preach to the world today is still repentance (Luke 24:47).
Although repentance is what Christ has commissioned us to preach to the world today, no message in the world today is more readily ...
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January 1, 2025 @ 7:00 AM
Jesus told a parable about a “certain rich man” whose material abundance necessitated his building of bigger barns (Luke 12:16-21). Upon the completion of his barn expansion project, he sit back, put up his feet and said to himself, “Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.” Although Smith Barney and E.F. Hutton would be proud to claim someone possessing such an impressive portfolio as their client, the eternal brokerage firm of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost considered him a “fool” for having never consulted them about his eternal investments. The very night that this rich fool figured himself fixed for life was the same night his life abruptly ended.
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