The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution was passed to abolish slavery. The 14th Amendment, which was passed on the heels of the 13th Amendment, was passed to guarantee citizenship and "equal protection under [our] laws" to the children of all freed slaves born in America. Since its passage in 1866 and ratification in 1868, the 14th Amendment has also been understood to grant citizenship to all children born in this country to legal immigrants. However, beginning around 1987, with the Vietnamese boat people, illegal immigrants started gaming the 14th Amendment with what came to be known as "anchor babies." These newborns, born to illegal immigrants in our country, were claimed by their undocumented alien parents to be United States citizens, because of the 14th Amendment's guarantee of birthright citizenship. Ever since then, illegal immigrants have been using newborns, born to them on American soil, to anchor themselves in our country, under the 14th Amendment's guarantee of birthright citizenship to their American born children.
Needless to say, those who passed and ratified the 14th Amendment must be turning over in their graves today. They never imagined it being used to guarantee citizenship to babies born in our country to illegal immigrants who have violated our laws and unlawfully invaded our land by the millions. Still, a federal judge in Seattle, as well as a plurality of judges in America today, see the denial of birthright citizenship to illegal immigrants' anchor babies as "blatantly unconstitutional." This, despite the fact that it is clearly a misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment and a gross misuse of its guarantee of birthright citizenship. Unfortunately, we've seen such misinterpretations of our Constitution and such misapplications of it time and time again by our federal judiciary, which has turned our Constitution into Silly Putty, so that judges can mold and make it into whatever they want it to be. For instance, our Supreme Court not only twisted the constitutionally guaranteed right to privacy into a woman's right to abort her unborn child, but also twisted the constitutionally guaranteed right to marriage into the court's right to redefine marriage, in order to legalize same-sex marriage.
Thomas Jefferson once warned that if "judges" ever came to view themselves "as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions"—as the bulk of those on the bench today undoubtedly do—then, the judiciary would become "a despotic branch of government" and judges would become "despots" turning the Constitution into "a mere thing of wax, which they [could] twist and shape into any form they please." Jefferson went on to warn that this "dangerous doctrine" of judicial despotism must be soundly renounced, lest the judiciary "slyly and without alarm" accomplish "what open force would not dare attempt"—the undermining of our Constitution and the overthrow of our government. Tragically, Jefferson's warning has gone unheeded and his prediction has come to pass in present-day America, as we've just seen displayed in Seattle by a single judicial despot.