January 29, 2025 @ 9:00 AM

America's once imagined invulnerability was once and for all shattered on 9/11/01, when 19 young Muslims, wielding nothing but boxcutters, brought our cocky country to its knees. We learned on that day, or at least we should have, how easily the hand of Divine Providence can pull the rug out from under us, with nothing more than a handful of our enemies. 


Our stock market, like our national security, has also proven itself to be incredibly vulnerable. The least little manipulation of its feeble fickleness can send it into a tailspin, resulting in the financial collapse of corporations, institutions, and individuals. Remember, for example, the so-called Flash Crash of 2010, when a computer glitch triggered a trillion dollar Stock Market crash in 36 minutes. And while we're on the subject of computer glitches, let's not forget how a worldwide Microsoft outage in 2024 crippled airlines, banks, large corporations, small businesses, media broadcasters, and  telecommunications providers. Talking about vulnerability, our computer controlled planet is in a perpetual precarious predicament, in which we constantly find ourselves just one computer glitch or cyberattack away from catastrophe.  


On Monday of this week, Nvidia, an American multinational corporation, which touts itself as the world's leader in artificial intelligence computing, lost $593 billion in one day, which amounted to the largest one day stock market loss in history. Nvidia's stock market nosedive, along with that of other American tech stocks, was due to the communist Chinese's dubious claim that an obscure Chinese company named Deepseek was able to produce artificial intelligence at a fraction of the cost of American companies and with far fewer and inferior chips. Despite the fact that the communist Chinese are our diabolical and duplicitous enemy, who not only cannot be trusted, but are also hellbent on recking our economy, their dubious claim about this obscure Chinese company has plunged American tech stocks, such as Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Tesla, into losses that some predict will eventually amount to more than a $1 trillion.


We are obviously living in the most precarious and perilous times in all of human history. We've been proven vulnerable to enemies wielding nothing more against us than boxcutters or dubious claims. We also find ourselves in a day and time when we're just one computer glitch or cyberattack away from worldwide calamity. Of course, the Bible, which has been discarded by our modern-day sophisticated world as an antiquated and irrelevant ancient relic, predicts these perilous times of the last days (2 Timothy 3:1). According to the Bible, the perilous times of the last days, just like our day, will be characterized by an increase in high-tech knowledge (Daniel 12:4). However, our world's increase in high-tech knowledge will not be accompanied by a world-wide increase in the fear of the Lord, which the Bible teaches us is the beginning of wisdom (Psalm 111:10; Proverbs 9:10). 


Obviously, we're living in the Biblically predicted perilous times of the last days; that is, in the final days of a high-tech, computer controlled, fallen world, which is God-forsaking and God-forsaken rather than God-fearing. Unfortunately, most of my fellowman, as well as my fellow countrymen, are totally oblivious to it. Consequently, the vast majority of fallen humanity is totally unaware of the urgency of preparing to meet its God (Amos 4:10). Instead, as it was in the prediluvian world of Noah's day, and as Jesus predicted it would be in the end-time world of the last days, men are continuing to live imperviously to the impending judgement of God (Matthew 24:37-39). Furthermore, most will tragically continue to do so until it suddenly falls upon them, when Christ, whom they've denied and rejected, suddenly returns to earth in divine retribution.