August 13, 2021 @ 9:00 AM

As it has been acutely observed, "Facts are stubborn things." They cannot be made untrue because fact checkers find them unfavorable. Here's a verifiable fact: Paper and cloth masks neither protect you from catching COVID nor prevent you from spreading it once you've contracted it. The only masks that can effectively protect you from being infected with COVID and prevent the infected from spreading it to others are surgical masks, such as the N95 mask and the N100 mask. However, these masks must be form-fitted to your face, which makes them difficult to wear, especially for any extended period of time, since they do restrict one's breathing. Still, your government continues to mandate the wearing of ineffectual paper and cloth masks. WHY? The obvious answer to this question is most disconcerting. It has nothing to do with public safety, but everything to do with societal control. Your government is not concerned with protecting your health, but with getting control over your life.


Dr. Anthony Fauci, who we are told to unquestionably believe, as though he alone speaks the infallible ex cathedra pronouncements of modern-day science, which is not only the dogmatic religion of the Democratic Party, but increasingly becoming a sacred shrine to Republican devotees as well, has publicly admitted that he lied to us at the beginning of the pandemic. He told us that surgical masks, like the N95 mask, provided no effectual protection from COVID. According to "Saint Fauci," he lied to us to prevent us from buying up our country's limited supply of surgical masks for our personal protection, which would have created a shortage of masks among our medical professionals, whose protection took precedence over the public's. Still, we're told, indeed, we're demanded, to believe everything Anthony Fauci says, despite all of the false, convoluted, and contradictory statements he has made. WHY? Again, the obvious answer is most disconcerting. It has little to do with public information, but much to do with public indoctrination. Your government is not so much concerned with protecting the public, as it is with public propaganda. It's more about mind control than controlling a pandemic, which, to anyone paying attention, our government has already proven itself impotent to control.


In a curious, if not telltale by note, the reason for our limited supply of surgical masks at the outbreak of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic was the fact that the Communist Chinese, with whom the coronavirus pandemic originated, had not only cornered the market on surgical masks beforehand, but had stockpiled them to sell to the rest of the world afterward. Needless to say, this resulted in an enormous economic boon to the Chinese economy, which had begun to slip under tough trade negotiations with the Trump Administration, as well as over high tariffs imposed by Trump on Chinese goods coming into the U.S. Nothing suspicious here, however; right? Well, at least not according to our government nor corporate America, which are both in bed with the Communist Chinese, having stuffed their pockets for years with billions of Chines renminbi (dollars). Well, now you know why your government refuses to hold the Communist Chinese accountable for what may very well prove to be the greatest war crime in all of human history. A crime, I might add, that our own government helped to fund by funding Wuhan's Virology Institute and its gain-of-function research, by which the coronavirus was created, with our hard-earned taxpayer dollars. 


In light of all of the above, the great need in America today is not for the American people to put their masks back on, but for us at long last to take our blindfolds off. We're being sold a bill of goods, as well as down the river, by our own government, which has ceased to be our friend, and become our most formidable foe. Far from saving us from the coronavirus, our government is stripping us of our constitutional rights and freedoms. We must stop trusting everything we're being told, least we soon find ourselves under a totalitarian government. Remember, as Albert Einstein once warned us, "Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy to truth!"