This may rock your world. It will definitely challenge your preconceived ideas, as well as call upon you to rethink what you’ve always thought and been taught about Bible prophecy. If you’re willing to do so, however, this post can remove scales from your eyes. It can show you how the pieces of the prophetic puzzle are falling perfectly into place in our present-day world.
We begin by identifying the book of Revelation’s “Mystery, Babylon the Great” as America. While there is a mountain of incontrovertible evidence to prove this contention—read our series of articles: Little Big Horn and the Christians’ Last Stand: From America the Beautiful to America the Beastly—let the following serve as sufficient proof for our purposes in this important post.
Ever since the days of ancient Babylon, the first great Gentile world power in the history of the world, every Gentile world power has served as the Babylon of its day. For instance, Peter called Rome, the great Gentile world power of his day, "Babylon" in 1 Peter 5:13. Therefore, Revelation’s “Mystery, Babylon the Great” should simply be seen as a symbol of the great Gentile world power upon the earth at the end of time. Now, if we’re living at the end of time, which I’m confidently convinced of by Scripture, then, there is only one nation in the world today that foots the bill for this Biblically predicted end-time role. It is America, the world’s only remaining superpower.
Further evidence that America is the book of Revelation’s predicted end-time superpower is found in the fact that it is characterized as both “Great” and a “Mystery.” America is not only the greatest power that there has ever been in the history of the world, but also a mystery hidden from sight in Biblical times. America was simply a mysterious entity seen by Scripture’s seers, prior to its existence, as the prophesied and unprecedented world power to rise upon an end-time earth at the end of days. After all, the American continent was not discovered until the fifteenth century, America was not founded as a nation until the eighteenth century, and America did not rise to world supremacy until the twentieth century?
Now, having proven America to be the book of Revelation’s “Mystery, Babylon the Great,” we turn our attention to something incredibly intriguing, not to mention dreadfully disconcerting; namely, the book of Revelation’s description of God’s judgment of end-time Babylon and of end-time Babylon’s subsequent destruction. According to Revelation, “Mystery, Babylon the Great” will be sitting smugly with a false sense of invulnerability when sudden destruction befalls her (18:7-17). Furthermore, as the smoke of her destruction rises, the whole world will watch in bewilderment, absolutely aghast at the vulnerability of this once perceived impregnable "great city" (18:18). In addition, all of this is predicted to take place "in one hour" (18:10, 17).
On this twentieth anniversary of 9/11, how can we fail to see that the events of that fateful day of infamy fall perfectly into place to fulfill this haunting Bible prophecy. As America sat smugly, in our false sense of invulnerability, sudden destruction fell upon us. As the smoke rose from the Twin Towers, the whole world watched in bewilderment, at how nineteen young Muslims, armed with nothing but boxcutters, brought to its knees the most powerful nation on earth, which was previously perceived as impregnable. And it all happened within a hour’s time!
I understand that this proposition will prompt howls of protest from those who will trounce it under their feet as untenable. They will argue that 9/11 cannot possibly be the book of Revelation’s predicted judgment of God on end-time Babylon, because of our country’s continuance since that day of infamy rather than extermination upon it. However, I contend that God’s judgment of America and America’s destruction, as the book Revelation predicts, came or commenced on 9/11. It has subsequently continued ever since and is soon to be completed, when “the Beast”—this fallen world’s long dreamed of New World Order—will rise from America’s ruins and lead this fallen world in its final all-out-war on God’s chosen and elect people—Jews and Christians.
To prove 9/11 was God’s judgment on a God-forsaken America, and that America has subsequently been being destroyed ever since, consider with me two lethal injections that were administered as immunizations to our nation following 9/11. While they were both proposed as protections from future terrorist’s attacks, they were actually poison pills that precipitated the Biblically predicted unraveling of our representative republic, an unraveling that has us almost completely polished off today.
First, 9/11 marked the first time in American history that our country’s citizenry voluntarily surrendered its constitutional rights and freedoms to our government in exchange for promised protection. We surrendered our right to privacy and submitted to unrestricted government surveillance for the sake of national security. We said we didn’t care if Big Brother was watching us and invading our privacy, as long as terrorists in our midst would be detected and another 9/11 prevented. Little did we know that by surrendering our right to privacy we were removing the most important barrier to state controlled private lives.
It was Benjamin Franklin who warned us: “Those who give up liberty to gain security are deserving of neither and destined to lose both!” Today, thanks to 9/11, our government is aggressively encroaching more and more on our constitutional rights and freedoms under the guise of protecting us from a plethora of perils; such as, the coronavirus pandemic, climate change, systemic racism, gun violence, and terrorism. Furthermore, we the people, to the detriment and demise of our representative republic, have grown accustomed to surrendering our personal liberties for government promised security. For instance, out of our fear of the coronavirus pandemic, we have permitted our government, under the guise of protecting us from a flu-like virus, to suspend our Constitution, revoke our constitutional rights and freedoms, lock down our economy, lock us up in our houses, and shutdown our businesses, workplaces, schools and churches. Truly, we’ve become a nation of sheeple, our government has become tyrannical, and the land of the free and the home of the brave has become nothing more than a faint memory buried beneath the ruins of 9/11’s Ground Zero.
The bitter and foul taste of the second poison pill our representative republic scarfed down following 9/11 has recently been regurgitated, reminding us of our country’s terminal condition under divine retribution. While our nation’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, along with its disastrous consequences, has been laid at the feet of our current cognitively impaired and completely incompetent president, Joe Biden—who is himself, a judgment of God upon our Christ-rejecting nation—we must not forget that America’s longest war, our twenty-year war in Afghanistan, was birthed by the so-called Bush Doctrine.
Not only did George W. Bush foolishly believe that national security should be purchased at the price of personal privacy, but he also foolishly believed that Islamic states, which harbored and supported terrorists, like Osama Bin Laden, and terrorist groups, like Al-Qaeda, could be converted into liberal democracies. Bush really believed that Islamic jihadists could be converted through nation-building into gay Parisians. It is this delusional belief and absurd proposition, the Bush Doctrine, that got us bogged down for twenty years in the quagmire of Afghanistan, costing us thousands of American lives and trillions of American taxpayer dollars. In addition, it has now resulted in our country’s diminished standing in the world, our allies’ doubting of our dependency, the emboldening of our enemies, and the whole world becoming a far more perilous place.
The Bush Doctrine, America’s absurd attempt to convert the rest of the world into clones of itself, is, I believe, at least a partial fulfillment of Revelation 14:8, which predicts how end-time Babylon will attempt to make “all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” One thing for sure, our government’s suspension of our Constitution under the guise of national security, as well as its foolish and futile attempt to spread democracy throughout the world by its nation-building, both serve as proof positive that America is going up in smoke. We have been ever since 9/11, when the whole world stood bewailed and bewildered over the rising “smoke of [our] burning!”