December 16, 2024 @ 5:30 AM

Today's Christmas Devotion

December 16, 2024

Bible Reading: John 1:1-14 & Colossians  1:15-17


Introducing Jesus as “the Word” spoke volumes to the Greeks of John’s day. To the Greeks, the “Logos” (Word) was what made sense of it all. Famous as philosophers, the Greeks believed that meaning could be found in anything if only enough words were spoken over it.


By introducing Jesus as “the Word,” John clearly communicated to the Greeks that Jesus Christ is the one who makes sense of it all. It is Christ who makes the universe a cosmos instead of a chaos. It is Christ, and Christ alone, who gives meaning, reason and rhyme to life.


According to the cockamamie theory of evolution: (1) The universe is a cosmic accident (2) We are the mere products of natural selection (3) Life has no meaning, and (4) There is nothing beyond this meaningless existence. When we add relativism—the belief that there is no such thing as absolute truth or right and wrong—to evolution, we end up in the morass of today’s meaningless society. 


If there has ever been a day and time when John’s message was needed, it is our day and time. Never before has the world been so gripped by meaninglessness nor its masses so victimized by depression, which is the inevitable consequence of meaninglessness. According to the World Health Organization, worldwide depression is the leading cause of disability for people in midlife and for women of all ages.


What’s the cure for worldwide depression? Where in today’s meaningless world can we find meaning? Where can we find reason and rhyme in life? And where do we turn to make sense of it all in a seemingly senseless world? According to the Apostle John, the answer to all these questions is found in “the Word”—Jesus Christ!