December 21, 2024 @ 6:00 AM

Today’s Christmas Devotion

December 21, 2024

Bible Reading: Luke 2:6-7 & Revelation 3:20


How shocking; the King of kings and Lord of lords was born in a stable. The reason, according to Luke, was that “there was no room for them in the inn.” The inn was too crowded with people and things. There was simply no available room or space left for the Savior.


Nothing much has changed since that eventful night in Bethlehem so long, long ago. The world is still too crowded with other things to make room for its Redeemer. Christ is still crowded out of minds and hearts, as well as lives and homes. He is even crowded out of Christmas by its crass commercialism and today’s political correctness. Ironically, it is the One whose birthday we’re celebrating whose name is impermissible to speak and to whom no gift is ever given.


The Savior could have been born in the best room in Bethlehem; but he wasn’t, because He isn’t pushy. He only goes where He is invited and stays where He is welcome. He only enters through doors that are opened to Him.


In Revelation 3:20, Jesus says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” It is only at your invitation that Jesus Christ will come into your life. Christ will knock on the door to your heart, but He will never kick it down or force His way in. You must open the door.


Upon completing his famous painting of Christ knocking on the door, Holman Hunt invited a friend over for his opinion. The friend immediately pointed out what he perceived as a glaring mistake. Hunt had failed to paint a latch or handle on the door. There was no way for Christ to open it. The artist explained, however, that the door was to the human heart and could only be opened from the inside. Christ never opens the door, we have to! 


Have you opened the door of your heart to Christ?


If you are tired of the load of your sin,

If you desire a new life to begin,

If it's for purity now that you sigh,

Fountains for cleansing are flowing nearby,

If there's a tempest your voice cannot still,

If there's a void this world never can fill,

If you would join the glad songs of the blest,

If you would enter the mansions of rest,

Just now, your doubtings give o'er;

Just now, reject Him no more;

Just now, throw open the door;

Let Jesus come into your heart. 

(Leila Naylor Morris)