July 30, 2024 @ 7:30 AM

The LGBTQ community is militant. Long gone are the days when homosexuals protested the morality of others being forced on them. Today, homosexuals are hellbent on forcing their immorality on all of us. They no longer argue that what they do in the privacy of their bedrooms is none of our business, but now insist upon publicly parading it up and down the streets of our cities and towns in Gay Pride Parades. They’ve not just come out of their closets, but have infiltrated our schools and libraries, in order to indoctrinate our children into endorsing their deviancy. And thanks to five Supreme Court Justices, who overruled the voices and votes of millions of Americans, in order to legalize same-sex marriage, homosexuals have now co-opted the coercive power of our government, with which they attempt to coerce our citizenry into conformity to their radical ideology. To disagree with their every dictate is to put yourself in danger of financially ruinous civil litigation or even possible criminal prosecution for an alleged hate crime.


In light of the above, I can’t understand for the life of me why anyone was surprised at the blasphemous opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris. The mockery of the Last Supper by sacrilegious Drag Queens in an irreligious and irreverent country like France, should have shocked no one. For instance, I still remember French television playing John Lennon’s song “Imagine” in mockery of tennis player Michael Chang, for daring to thank his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for his victory at the 1989 French Open. When it comes to the militant and blasphemous LGBTQ community, no one should be shocked by its sacrilege, as is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt by the following.

  1. Militant homosexuals distort Ruth’s devotion to her mother-in-law Naomi into a lesbian “love affair.” (Ruth 1:16-18)
  2. Militant homosexuals twist the friendship of David and Jonathan into a homosexual relationship. (1 Samuel 20)
  3. Militant homosexuals suggest that the Prophets Elijah and Elisha both raised dead boys back to life by stretching themselves out on their corpses and performing an ancient homosexual ritual. (1 Kings 17:17-24; 2 Kings 4:8-37)
  4. Militant homosexuals make the Roman Centurion’s servant out to be his gay lover and Jesus’ miraculous healing of him out to be a divine sanctioning of same-sex marriage. (Matthew 8:5-13)
  5. Militant homosexuals insist that it is not the celibate—those who forego marriage and having children for the kingdom of God’s sake—who are commended by Christ in Matthew 19:12. Instead, it is Christ’s homosexual disciples that are singled out by Him for this special commendation. 
  6. In what is undoubtedly their most despicable and blasphemous distortion of God’s Word, militant homosexuals twist the Apostle John’s reference to himself as the “disciple whom Jesus loved” and his leaning on “Jesus bosom” during the Last Supper as evidence that John and Jesus were gay lovers. ((John 13:23; 19:26; 21:7, 20)
  7. Militant homosexuals even dismiss the Apostle Paul’s incontrovertible condemnation of homosexuality in the New Testament by chalking it up to the fact that Paul himself was a repressed and self-hating homosexual.

One cannot help but feel the need to be hosed off after wading through the mire of such vile misrepresentations of God’s divinely inspired Word. Still, spelling out the sullied perversions of scared Scripture by militant and blasphemous homosexuals proves that they are void of both reverence to Christ and respect for Christians. While the contemporary church waves olive branches at the LGBTQ community, out of the church's fear of being accused of intolerance, the intolerant LGBTQ community is militantly on the march to pollute the Scripture, to profane our Savior, and to stamp out our faith, which was once and for all delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3).